In February, Re-balance and Re-center Yourself
It’s time to recognize the stress that you’re under. You’ve been maintaining a disciplined outlook as you carry out your obligations. But, perhaps it’s time to let go, breathe deeply and truly FEEL? It’s even quite possible that you need an exhaustive cry to honor how much you’ve been keeping bottled up. While you can continue to nurture a positive attitude, there’s no need to practice unwavering and unending emotional fortitude. Soften your stance and process those pent-up emotions!
Afterward, take time for yourself, tapping into your soul’s quiet whisper. This voice will transmit what is out of balance – which projects are consuming too much energy or which relationships are subtly unrewarding. Ask yourself: what do I honestly want? Consider your deeply-held wish list. Be judicious regarding where to invest your physical energy. Ponder what previous efforts have offered you the best rewards. Note which professional relationships have the most promise. Change course as needed.
In order to tap into this wisdom, it’s essential to slow down. In fact, you may notice that you accomplish more as you remove the RUSH from your process. Work in a quietly deliberate manner. Take ample breaks. Check in with yourself, so that your flow is without strain. Strive for a calm yet determined pacing.
The biggest goal this month is to gracefully navigate the substantial changes that are collectively underway. Try to follow the news less. You’ll get enough information by simply observing the people around you. This is your energetic weather, so to speak. Note who is moving home or changing jobs. Listen to the resonance of people’s concerns. Then, tap into your own sensations, assessing if you need to act in specific ways. Your soul’s calling might be muted, but it cannot be ignored.
Final note: think less and intuit more. We may become tangled in our own thoughts, so release them, temporarily at least. Make to do lists, promptly setting them aside. Then, pursue each item as it pops up in your head. Develop an organic workflow, following the nudges of your heart and body. This FEELING space is a dialogue with cosmic energy. Trust that everything will get done in the right time.
Here are some questions to ask yourself: have I been stifling my frustrations and sadness? Can I take time to feel and release them? What priorities have I shelved? What professional leads seem particularly exciting? Can I reorient my days and weeks, in order to prioritize my own pacing and joy? When am I rushing uncomfortably? Can I slow down, therefore working with greater purpose? What dynamics am I observing in my immediate surroundings? What is the Universe communicating to me through these situations? Am I able to listen and act, thus pursuing a path that is more authentic? Wishing you a wonderful month.
King of Cups / Queen of Pentacles / Judgement / Two of Swords
Legal Disclaimer: Readings are for educational and entertainment purposes only. I do not accept liability and/or responsibility for any actions and/or decisions any client chooses to take or make based on the reading offered. If you require advice of any kind, you should seek a suitable licensed professional.
Follow Andrew aka @restinoneness on Instagram and on TikTok for weekly readings, and a range of other spiritual posts. If you're interested in a personal reading — which is around one hour — please send him an IG DM. He’d love to hear from you!